Sunday, June 7, 2015


So, anyone who saw the last several posts on this blog, sorry about that! Long ago I had enabled posting by typing out an e-mail and sending it to an e-mail address. Which was WAY too easy to guess. I did this long before I knew anything about computers/spambots.
The generic blog e-mail address is

So naturally mine was

Face palm. How could anyone have ever guessed that?!

Anyway, I disabled that setting, so hopefully random pornspam won't be posted.

My bad.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Seek First the Kingdom of God

An Extravagant Life
Food, shelter, clothes, Jesus knows.
 Nations strive for their own, but our needs are known.
 If we seek first the Lord, then there's no need to hoard,
 because the things that we need are not merely greed,
 and our King will provide for our spirit inside, 
our bodies will be fed, and our needs will be met... as well. 

I make up this rhyme so I will not forget 
that My King is good and his people are blessed. 
The decisions I make and the things I buy
expose that my heart has accepted the lie,
that I need and I want are pretty much the same, 
and neither is something I should constrain. 
I go get them, I seek them, my needs they are first,
and my Spirit reacts with an unquenched thirst. 
Seek first the Kingdom, give up control,
and the King will lead me wherever I go. 

Where is my treasure? What matters to me?
The answer is simple, though often I can't see,
my strength, my emotions, and my mind tell the truth. 
And my time and my money are the simple proof. 

Am I seeking first the things that will last? 
Or simply living? because this life will pass.
Give up your time, let go of your money,
The Kingdom of God is coming. 

Fear not, God is generous,
His joy and pleasure is to bless us,
with things that do not rust or grow old,
but eternal treasures that are not sold.

Where is your treasure? Where is your heart?
The place is the same whoever you are. 
Is His Kingdom the desire of your soul?
Or is life about you, and things you can hold? 

Friday, July 9, 2010


I wanted to let you know that my father, Craig Duncan, wrote a book called Emberoks. You can check out the book here, and read the first 10 chapters for free. If you like it, you can purchase the second half of the book for $9.99. If you refer the book to your friends, you'll earn $1 for every person who purchases the book. Word of mouth is the only advertising he's using, so if you like it, tell other people about it.

Friday, June 25, 2010


My daughter is learning to play. It's exciting.

Amanda and Eva from Jeremy Duncan on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Amanda did the whole thing with a wonderful attitude. She persevered through the entire 39 hours without drugs, and pushed for 2.5 hours to finally have the baby naturally. She
was patient and calm during and between contractions (she still
screamed a lot, obviously, but kept her slow and steady breathing). It
was a beautiful and very hard thing to watch, especially when she was

When Eva was born I was overwhelmed with relief and gratitude. I'm
about to cry again just thinking about it. God is so awesome, and His
design is unique and good. What a beautiful plan for how people enter
this world. The curse is potent and the pain it causes is impossible to ignore, but God's grace is overpowering. Love
overcomes the curse and strengthens us when we are too weak to go on.
The gap between our fallen state and His holiness is wide: our frailty
and his strength, our flesh and his will, our sin and his love, our
obedience and his mercy, our faithlessness and his steadfast
trustworthiness. And the list goes on and on.
I've never prayed so much, been so tired, been so utterly grateful;
and never before seen such powerful evidence of our good and beautiful

J. Duncan

Monday, February 22, 2010