Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello guys, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to answer these questions for me.

What is blogging? Do you blog? If so, why do you blog? If not, why don't you blog? How could blogging transform writing in the 21st century?

These questions were posed on a forum in a group that I'm a part of for professional development.
Let me know what you think.

J. Duncan


jv said...

Blogging is really networking. I blog for personal reasons: to be more thoughtful. Since I syndicate my blog in Facebook, I can let people know more about myself. It is a way for me to be uncharacteristically "open."

However, many people use blogging to write about a particular topic, such as theology, media, their profession or hobbies. They find others who do the same, comment on their blogs, and soon enough they are connected with a broader community of people who share the same interests.

I follow the world of gaming. I've followed one such blogger Michael Abbott, for a couple of years now. He writes He is a college theater professor who, through his regular writing, has connected with industry professionals and writers and has made connections in conventions, etc.

These blogging networks are a way for people to be on the leading edge of a cultural movement. It is a way to share and receive information. It is a way to connect and collaborate with others. Try to follow some blogs you are interested in to get a feel for this in action, or choose a particular topic and begin your own connections. It may benefit you greatly.

jv said...

Oh, and how can blogging transform writing in the 21st century? Participatory writing, true journalistic accountability, widespread self-publishing... the list goes on.

The question really relates to how the internet has transformed traditional media. Comics, for example, has thrived in the digital realm. Writing also has thrived as the decline of print media becomes more pronounced. However, there may be a future resurgence, as what happened with cds after the digital music craze leveled out.

purblueple said...

I'm answering because I was thinking about blogging just yesterday. I read yours, JV's and Elise's blogs amongst other random ones. I have thought that I would like to blog but the reason I don't is that #1 I can't decide what it should be focused on. I also question if I would be disciplined enough to continue for any length of time after beginning. Perhaps I don't know fully understand blogging.
I like blogs because of their accessibility and immediacy. I like getting to know the authors through their blogs and I'll admit, I like my online reading "bite-sized". Although, I hope that there will be nothing lost or too much transformed in traditional writing because I like to have both.

jv said...

The best advice I've heard about blogging is that regularity is the most important thing. I've committed to write every day (it ends up being almost every day) even if it is just a thought that takes a few minutes to flesh out.

As far as the topic, maybe that's something you can figure out as you go along. Perhaps it can be more of a journal. That's okay too.

Elise said...

I blog for several reasons. But they all kind of boil down to this... I see value in written words. They communicate differently than spoken words. Not only did God think it best to give us written words...

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "

I blog to ultimately end up at Truth. Even if I have to write through the tangled mess of my heart and mind to get there. I try to communicate His truth in a way that is real, practical... just, following Him in daily life. Calling what is bad, bad... and what is good, good.

If I waited to blog until I could spell, or use correct grammar, I would never have a single post.

I want all of my life to direct people to Him. Blogging is just another way to try to do that.

Don't know if this is what you were looking for. Just sharing what came to mind.

I love your blogs. God put you in this techno-crazy century for a reason. Keep sharing your thoughts!

Jeremy Duncan said...

jv and elise, thanks for your comment. One of the weaknesses to my blogging is that it takes me a LONG time to get back around to reading the comments and responding. But thank you for your thoughts, they are much appreciated.

Jeremy Duncan said...

melissa, I'm right there with you. i enjoy reading blogs, and writing one occasionally, but being consistent and having a "topic" are difficult ideas for me. I think I'm going to attempt to write more frequently, but my topic is going to be "sporadicalism" [which is now a word. copyright 2010 the Jeremy Brice Duncan Perspective. All rights reserved. This term may not be used without written consent from the owner (me)]