Monday, February 1, 2010

It Is Well With My Soul

The devastation in Haiti is incomprehensible to me... I haven't thought about it much, and haven't wanted to. It's too easy to be caught up in what's going on in my life and ignore the rest of the world. Especially when I feel like it doesn't matter what I know, because I can't do anything. But the thing is... People are suffering. And God is suffering with them, because he loves them so much.


Elise said...

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be COMFORTED.

Joel said...

KSBJ did a money drive for several organizations that they know and trust and that are already in Haiti working to restore the country and get people food, water, and shelter. God's been doing something awesome because KSBJ's goal was 50,000 dollars to split between these four organizations and that goal was exceeded within 3 hours. Check it out here

Jeremy Duncan said...

Thanks Joel. I just checked that out. That's a really good resource for people who want to get involved.